English Task: How to Make Crispy Hotdog (Erista Rebeca 9 RSBI 1/10)

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Dialogue About Adolescence

Sebenarnya dialog ini ku-posting ke dalam blog, karena waktu itu saya lagi gak punya kerjaan aja hahaha hitung-hitung bisa ngebantu kalian yang lagi nyari-nyari materi tentang 'Adolescence' (Masa Remaja). Yuk's di lihat!

We                  :    “Hello, may I ask you something?
Friends            :    “Yes, of course”
We                  :    “What happened during your adolescence period?”
Friends            :    “I’m experience physical change, I’m experience menstruation and interested to a boy, how about you?”
We                  :    “I’m experience physical change, first menstruation, interested to a boy and fell more adult. Did you have a memorable experience?”
Friends            :    “Yes, I did. When I’m experience menstruation, I have high emotional and reprimand my friends, besides she doesn’t be guilty, and you?”
We                  :    “Same like you, and then I’m apologize to she, and she forgive me. Hmm… do you like the changes during your adolescence period?”
Friends            :    “Yes, I do. Because at adolescence period I can change my attitude to be the best, responsible & become to adult. And you?
We                  :    “Yes, I do. Because I know about self-respect, appreciate to something or someone and try to stand alone. How do you cope with your adolescence period?”
Friends           :    “Keep my self, keep my emotional and avoid from free socialize. How about you?”
We                 :    “I’ll increase my emotional, be calm, don’t emphasize my self and avoi from free socialize.Oh yes, if you have second change, what will you doing adolescence period?”
Friends           :    “I’ll do it better than my first chance. How about you?”
We                 :    “Me too. I’ll do it better than my first chance. Ok, thank’s for your attention.”
Friends           :    “Your welcome.”

I hope it will be useful :))

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